Engaging Math thinking
1 Day
Purpose: Teachers learn about the five strands of mathematical thinking and how to use them to improve instruction in all TEKS strands
Format: 6.5-hour session
Outcomes: Attendees will:
Understand the five strands of mathematical thinking
Dig deep into the major TEKS strands of number and operations, algebraic reasoning, geometry and measurement, and data analysis
Experience multiple instructional strategies that can be implemented immediately
Learn how to give effective feedback to math learners
Five strand Math
Day 1
Purpose: Teachers gain knowledge about impactful pedagogical practices to upgrade any math instruction
Format: 6.5-hour session
Outcomes: Attendees will:
Learn the five facets of student motivation
Understand the five strands of mathematical proficiency
Highlight elements of successful math instruction
Practice instructive feedback loops to elevate math interactions
Day 2
Purpose: Teachers explore math routines, manipulatives, and the interconnectivity of standards
Format: 6.5-hour session
Outcomes: Attendees will:
Engage in several types of number talks (quantity and operational)
Understand the concrete - pictorial - abstract continuum
Experience open-ended problems that are bundled and repeatable
Further explore one element of choice for deeper learning
Price per day: $3,000 (travel outside of DFW metro area extra)
Delivery: Virtual or in-person