The 2024 STAAR test will be here before you know it. As a service to Texas teachers, I have analyzed every item from the 2023 STAAR test (grades 3 - Algebra 1). In the course of my in-depth inquiry I've discovered which items were the most difficult for students across the state. Specifically, I've evaluated those low scores for conceptual/vocabulary, computation/procedural, and/or application/problem solving deficits.
Just learning why students struggled with the 2023 items, however, isn't enough. In addition, I've pulled from my lengthy experience with student engagement and mathematics instruction to identify instructional strategies that teachers can use to bolster student performance in their grade level readiness standards on the upcoming STAAR test.
You can find the link to my ongoing analyses by grade level below.
If you are interested in improving STAAR outcomes for your students with a Five Minute Math training, you can learn more about training agenda, formats, and costs here.