Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to understand how to represent and compare whole numbers, the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers, and relationships within the numeration system related to place value. The student is expected to:
(A) use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones;
(B) use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200;
(C) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 1,200;
(D) use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (>, <, or =);
(E) locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line; and
(F) name the whole number that corresponds to a specific point on a number line.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to recognize and represent fractional units and communicates how they are used to name parts of a whole. The student is expected to:
(A) partition objects into equal parts and name the parts, including halves, fourths, and eighths, using words;
(B) explain that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part; and the fewer the fractional parts, the larger the part;
(C) use concrete models to count fractional parts beyond one whole using words and recognize how many parts it takes to equal one whole; and
(D) identify examples and non-examples of halves, fourths, and eighths.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to solve addition and subtraction problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to:
(A) recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity;
(B) add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations;
(C) solve one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms; and
(D) generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to determine the value of coins in order to solve monetary transactions. The student is expected to:
(A) determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar; and
(B) use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to connect repeated addition and subtraction to multiplication and division situations that involve equal groupings and shares. The student is expected to:
(A) model, create, and describe contextual multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined; and
(B) model, create, and describe contextual division situations in which a set of concrete objects is separated into equivalent sets.