Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and compare whole numbers, the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers, and relationships within the numeration system related to place value. The student is expected to:
(A) recognize instantly the quantity of structured arrangements;
(B) use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones;
(C) use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120;
(D) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120;
(E) use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language;
(F) order whole numbers up to 120 using place value and open number lines; and
(G) represent the comparison of two numbers to 100 using the symbols >, <, or =.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies for whole number addition and subtraction computations in order to solve problems. The student is expected to:
(A) use concrete and pictorial models to determine the sum of a multiple of 10 and a one-digit number in problems up to 99;
(B) use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem such as 2 + 4 = [ ]; 3 + [ ] = 7; and 5 = [ ] - 3;
(C) compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects;
(D) apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20, including making 10 and decomposing a number leading to a 10;
(E) explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 20 using spoken words, objects, pictorial models, and number sentences; and
(F) generate and solve problem situations when given a number sentence involving addition or subtraction of numbers within 20.
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to identify coins, their values, and the relationships among them in order to recognize the need for monetary transactions. The student is expected to:
(A) identify U.S. coins, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, by value and describe the relationships among them;
(B) write a number with the cent symbol to describe the value of a coin; and
(C) use relationships to count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and/or dimes.